My name is Omaira Ali and I’m a teacher at an amazing local school. I’ve grown up in Bradford, studied here and now work here. Growing up, especially whilst in school, I was always told there’s so many opportunities to ‘get out of Bradford’ and ways to ‘do better’. Looking back, I’m so glad I didn’t listen to those people. I studied in Bradford for my teaching degree, learning the vital skills needed to teach the children of our city that I wouldn’t have learnt elsewhere because the people who trained me knew Bradford and its community best. I work in a school dedicated to making sure all children have great lives.
I am forever indebted to the city which allowed my grandfather to create a life for his children when he arrived from Pakistan all those years ago. I am glad I didn’t ‘get out of Bradford’ because I believe I am making a change right here in the place that created who I was, my hometown Bradford. I wouldn’t want to do that anywhere else!
This is my special object. This is Betsy. She is special to me because she belonged to my younger sister, Sarah, who sadly passed away when I was 11 years old. My sister bought Betsy at the local hospital and had it with her at all times so it’s something I treasure! PS if you look at the trees outside Beckfoot Heaton Primary School entrance you’ll see the one dedicated to my sister; that’s pretty special to me too!
This picture of a music box was actually submitted by a girl I taught last year. I know how special Harry Potter was and still is to her. I think a little bit of magic is what we all need in our lives right now.
I love this image submitted. It shows what is at the heart of Bradford and every city; family. I’m sure we all have a lot of memories of Bradford and most will be tinged with the love of our families or friends who were right there with us.